The is . What are you to do this ?I’m to this . I will some of . For , I want to the Wall with my . I wan to be “a true man”. And I also want to the Tian’an men . I am to the . I want to with them. Then I want to take part in the ’s . I want to to play the . I want to be good in the . I a is very cool. My is like . I hope I can have a . What you? What are you to do this ?
Just days the of , I'm what to do to make my life more . I of toil in , wash his , and cook for us day, mop the ... Such as . is my , but 't even have a , mom is !! So I to a "", want to let mom have a good rest, to her toil. Come the , , make the home look -new, like a pipe of .
In , I want a , go to the aunt home a few good book. As a , are two : , can my . Two, not have to the , the is like a , will only tell me: "come and help me to boot, I'm for you!" will fall into the — — — my !!!!!
Look!! My plan is very full!! I also feel this way in this , I will very , very . May this can more joy for me!
在寒假來臨之前,我 還在思考要做什么事才能讓我的寒假生活更有意義。突然我想到,這幾年媽媽平日的辛勞,每天總是為我們洗衣服、煮飯、拖地......等家事。換成是我的話 可能會抱怨連連,可是媽媽連一句抱怨的話都沒有,媽媽真的是很偉大呀!! 于是我決定來個“全家大動員”,想讓媽媽好好休息,來慰勞她平日的辛勞。趁春節的時候,來個大掃除,讓家里煥然一新,有如鏡花水月般的美麗。
看!! 我的寒假計劃很充實吧!! 我也覺得這樣一來在這個暑假,我會過的很快樂、很開心的。愿這個寒假能帶來給我更多的快樂!
A has in the past, for a . In this , I also have a lot of new .
In the exam, my is not very . When know I wept , but cry also can't the , is to only to at some don't the not or . knew this, said to me: "fine fine, bad have no way to test this time, you take a lot more in this , and own plan."
of all, I want to my , do , to the of to , ask , more to on, do it and .
, want to see more than half an hour day of -, and good word . day an , to a of an hour.than play ... To own plan.
, we take an part in , make more and body.
All in all, I want to be in the to try in a , put , for the next to get good .
I can do, me!
在這次期末考試中,我的成績不是很理想。當知道成績的時候我傷心地哭了,可是哭也不能解決問題呀,要怪只怪自己平時有些不懂的問題沒有及時請教父母或老師。媽媽知道這事后,對我說:“晴晴,這次考壞已經沒有辦法了, 在這個寒假里你好好補補,并安排好自已的學習計劃。”
Mom and dad said, to take me to the in the city, the at last have a of , I am . But my told me to make my own game plan, hurt my . I have this . What I do?
said, the have time, , how to go, how to go back, how many to take, what to play, what to play, to eat at noon, etc. So I went to the net to make my game plan, to .
I went to the of the city. Wow, it's . It's just a . 's a with and a . But I'm not for the , and on a sign. It was half past nine for him to open the door, so I on the : at half past , I went to the gate of the . Then I saw that were four in the . I what I did in the and what I did in the to time and . For the the is hot, so I put the park and in the , the and the sea of in the and , can buy and to eat at noon is the town of . But in not to miss a fun , I also down four that can be , and then I will not it.
I then map to to the town to take road car from my home, but this map is don't give me a face, in the for a long time, is , I only have to the , also say, , so I don't I the bus on the can not find to take a few road cars to the on the map, it to all the two to try out.
we 't gone to the of the town, I we will have fun for this . As the goes, " is for who are ."
How time , the next will soon come.In to as well as a , I made the plan.
I want to with my ,I is a life ,so no what the I am in, I will look for to it. I have new , on my and some , I will try to them in the and .
, it is the ,I will it with my and . You know the will soon come, I I and play with my and .I I will the .
編輯特別推薦:班長競選英文作文,英語作文關于人際關系交流,我最喜歡的運動英語作文,低碳的英語作文,保護環境的英語作文, 歡迎閱讀,共同成長!