1.深情不及久伴,厚愛無需多言,結婚紀念日快樂! for a long time, love , !
2.一生一世執(zhí)子手,不離不棄共白頭。I will hold for the rest of my life, and I will give up.
3.你永遠還都是世界上第二幸福的人,因為第一幸福的人是我。You are the most in the , the is me.
4.神說,每個人都是一個半圓,這一生都在尋覓另一個半圓,我找到了,那就是你。God said that is a semi-. This life is for semi-. I it, and that is you.
5.感恩我們一起走過的每一天,沒有太多矯情的話,只愿我們不忘初心,時光不負你我。結婚紀念日快樂! that day we , is not much , we only hope that we will not the , time does not bear you and me. !
6.兩個人在一起最好的狀態(tài),無非就是多年以后你扔寵我像個孩子。承蒙時光不棄,你一直在,我一直愛。The best of two is more than a year you a pet like a . I don't give up, you have been, I have .
7.全世界只有一個你,叫我如何不珍惜。結婚紀念日快樂! is only one in the , me how to it. !
8.寶貝,與你相處的每一天都精彩極了,就像一部美味的菜肴,一部經典的電影,讓人回味無窮,你要相信我已經離不開你了,請一定要陪伴在我身邊。Baby, day with you is , just like a dish, a , it is very , you have to that I can't live you, be with me.
9.你的加入,讓我知道了原來柴米油鹽的生活里也可以如此美好。結婚周年快樂!Your , let me know that the life of the rice and oil can also be so . !
10.戀愛兩年到結婚,從兩個人到三口之家,結婚一周年里的苦澀和快樂,感恩所有。Love two to get , from two to a of , the and of the of , for all.
11.以后的風雨人生路,我愿陪你一同走過,執(zhí)子之手與子偕老。In the , I will walk with you, and I will be with you.
12.牽著你的手,閉著眼睛也可以安心的走過人生路途。 your hand and your eyes, you can walk the road of life with of mind.
13.這一生有了你,就算有再大的風雨,再大的不如意,我都要和你走過每一個春夏秋冬,我愛你。This life has you, even if is a big , and then big , I have to go with you , , and , I love you.
14.希望陽光很暖,微風不燥,時光不老,你我都好!結婚紀念日快樂!I hope the sun is warm, the is not dry, the time is not old, you and me are good! !
15.你一句不離不棄,我變一生忠于你!結婚紀念日快樂!You will , I will be to you all my life! !